Fergy & Dave Too Good Photographers
Two good photographers with years of commercial and advertising experience talk about Science, Tech, current Events, Politics and Photography. They cover plenty of colorful photo shoot war stories from around the globe. FYI the logo says too not two on purpose, they both work, we explain as we go. The photographers are Matt Ferguson and Dave Thompson they both worked in downtown Chicago political, PR and advertising circles for years. They are news junkies, Nikon shooters and all around good guys.
Podcasting since 2021 • 42 episodes
Fergy & Dave Too Good Photographers
Latest Episodes
Fergy & Dave - Happy New Year 2023 -Creative flow with Dave Purnell music man and videographer. Is creativity nature or nuture, twitch fingers on guitar, curiosity, life long learning, cardboard, 5% with camera, the craft of storytelling, electric meter,
#42 Fergy & Dave Purnell, Happy 2023! Visit with Dave Purnell, music man and videographer. Is creativity from nature or nurture? twitch finger speed on guitar, curiosity and lifelong learning, cardboard, ...

#41 Fergy & Dave - From Russia no love, President Zelensky, Governor's bus people to other states, HRM's Royal funeral, Ink on the King, Bearskin hats, 43 seconds, driverless cars, NASA dart, to the moon Alice, FergyPIX.com
#41 Fergy & Dave - From Russia NO love, President Zelensky, Governors bus people out of state, HRM's Royal Funeral, Ink on the King, Bear skin hats, 43 Key Seconds, driverless cars, NASA dart, to the moon Alice. #FergyPix, MattFerguso...

#40 Fergy & Dave - Energy & Weather episode - Hurricane Ian in Florida, electric cars, California standards, facelifts for dogs, more clean hybrid cars and how to sell fresh water to the west.
#40 Fergy & Dave - Energy & Weather episode -Hurricane Ian in Florida, electric cars, California standards in your washing machine, facelifts for dogs, more clean hybrid cars, and how to sell fresh water to the west. &...

#39 Fergy & Dave - Voting in the primary, Moose on the flag, fluff the flag, Where's my fire engine? Gerry Ford's seat, Liz Cheney, flooding and PR, tornados
#39 Fergy & Dave - Primary voting, Moose on the flag, fluff the flag, Where's my fire engine? Gerry Ford's seat, Liz Cheney, flooding and PR, tornados

#38 Fergy & Dave - All Star Home Run Derby, Grand Rapids river front improvements, Good food spots, The Michigan Dunes, Fulgurites and lightning
#38 Fergy & Dave - All Star Home Run Derby, Grand Rapids Redux, Riverfront improvements, Good food spots, The Michigan Dunes, Fulgurites created by lightning. FergyPIX.com, Matt Ferguson Photography, Dave Thompson phot...